How Does Snoring Affect Your Life?
Most snorers are unaware of how much of a bother their nighttime sounds are to the people around them. Many sleep partners of someone who snores often resort to sleeping in a separate room to get away from the disruptive noise.
Snoring can be extremely harmful to your relationship as it builds tension between you and your significant other, damages your sex life, and can even lead to separation or divorce.
Estimated to affect nearly 90 million Americans, snoring is a problem that can easily be alleviated once you reach out to find treatment. Once you discover effective relief for your snoring, both you and your loved one will experience a good night’s sleep.
Snore Guards Made Just for You
Are you looking to improve your snoring as well as your partner’s sleep? With the help of a snore guard from our Spring Hill office, we can help relieve your loud disruption and get you and your significant other through the night.
Just like an oral appliance, the custom fit device is an effective solution that helps to stop snoring as it opens up the airway and clears any obstruction in the airway. A huge benefit of a snore guard is it that it works no matter what position you’re sleeping in. It’s also convenient, non-toxic, and helps you sleep soundly without interrupting your partner.
How to Find a Sleep Study
Seeing a sleep specialist is the only way to properly determine if your snoring is more than a nuisance and diagnose sleep apnea. The two common ways your sleep apnea can be detected are:
- At Home Sleep Tests: Patients can utilize devices to monitor their blood oxygen levels, airflow, heart rate, and breathing patterns. Based on the results of these tests, a specialist can properly diagnose a patient.
- Nocturnal Polysomnography: This process involves hooking a patient up to equipment that monitors the heart, lungs, and brain signals as you sleep. They may also measure movements in the arms and legs, blood oxygen level, and more. This close monitoring process has been most effective in confirming the signs of sleep apnea.
If you’ve been officially diagnosed with sleep apnea, the most likely prescribed treatment will be a CPAP. However, if you’ve tried CPAP and can’t stick to the treatment, seeking a professional sleep dentist like Dr. Robinette for an oral appliance can help relieve your symptoms. These dental devices will help stop your snoring and get you the quality sleep you’ve been longing for.